I think of all the complexities of life, falling in love is the most mysterious.
I often look around at my home and family and marvel at how I ended up here. Thinking back at the first interactions with my now husband of almost 8 years, I could never have imagined this is where we'd be. I am truly amazed and grateful on a daily basis for how God has blessed me and guided my path. Despite my best efforts to do my own thing and divert my future from where I stand today, God was faithful to bring someone into my life who grounded me in a way I wasn't (I thought) prepared for.
The year I met my man, I was in a very dark place mentally, emotionally, and financially. I had a string of bad dates and relationships that went nowhere. The pressure of bills without a roommate had led me to take a management job to avoid working multiple jobs, which I'd been doing for too long. Once thrown into a position I was barely trained for with no support from staff nor upper management, I knew that my new position was a huge mistake and very negatively affecting me, crushing my spirit a little more every day. I had become the kind of employee I'm intolerant of and didn't recognize myself at work nor in private. So, I chose to up and quit spontaneously. Immediately after, I jumped in my car and drove to my parents' house to spend one of the last opportunities I had for a Christmas with my entire family. From there, I left my apartment and moved back to my parents' home, compelled by my deep depression. I was fully aware how dangerous my depression had become and knew I needed to be surrounded by people who loved me and would keep me accountable. Under all these circumstances, I still somehow found the capacity to fall in love.
Although I had sworn off men and intimate relationships, I was determined to make new friends, start the healing process, and repair my spiritual life one step at a time. My sister had become the door to a new world of friends and social events, and I took the opportunities that came which led to my meeting my husband.
So, today I'm going to share with you the first thoughts I had the day I met my hubby-wubs:
1. The very first thing that struck me was how tall he was. I'm not sure what I was expecting when I went to his house for a dinner "party." I was just initially stunned at how tall he was.
2. His height wasn't the only thing that was bigger than I expected... Hey now, dear readers. Get your minds out of the gutter, I was only referring to his personality! He was so friendly, non-judgmental, hospitable, and such a fresh breath of air. I felt comfortable and relaxed in his presence, which led to great conversation, which led to us finding out how much we agreed on and how compatible we were. Even if I wasn't immediately hearing wedding bells, he was definitely a candidate to become a very, very good friend. I can't overstate how much that helped with my recovery. Hope was reborn in discovering his new friendship.
3. He was exotic to me. He came from a different world both figuratively and literally. He spoke a new language, cooked savory, distinctive food, listened and danced to exciting music. He had such an original perspective on life. I LOVED that. Still do, by the way. ;)

Now, it's just the two of us against the world!
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